
Wednesday 24 July 2024

All good things must come to an end

 After my last post I realised my heart isn’t in it anymore, so it’s time to say goodbye.

I loved blogging but my time has come and gone, and I’d rather leave with happy memories than continue to drag it out or leave it as another abandoned blog.

So for the last time, this is what I’ve been up to. I’m having a year of using up my stash, I’m not allowed to buy any fabric unless I really really need it, such as for a binding or a backing when I have a quilt with lots of seams.  I am allowed to buy wadding and thread, if I don’t have what I need, not want.

I have been in a hexagon phase, this was made from a layer cake which has been languishing in my stash for at least seven years I think.

This one got rid of a jelly roll I’ve had for at least as long. Funny how you buy things on impulse and never get round to using them.

This panel was perfect for a granddaughter who loves dogs. 

Oh yes! After five years I finally finished Gypsy Wife.

Postcards from Sweden I made this year, all from stash. Some of the colours, well, a lot of the colours are substitutes, and as you can see I have very little green.

Gypsy Wife number two, started in February this year and completely finished in May would you believe.

Finally this is me today, well, it was in May on my 70th birthday.

Life is full of challenges and I need to get cracking and enjoy life, rather than spending too much time in my sewing room. Not that I’ve stopped or intend to stop sewing, I am still on Instagram, just spend more time out and about doing. I don’t think I will ever regret not doing more quilts, but I don’t want to regret not having more adventures.

So for the last time, 

With smiles from 

Kate x

Friday 17 March 2023

Hello, I’m back………I think

Its been a while, three years, I can’t  BELIEVE it. Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun, or not as the case may be. I can't even work Blogger any more and it looks like all the settings have changed, I haven’t a clue what I'm doing here but bear with me.

So, why am I back and what’s been happening?  A lot was going on in my life three years ago, I’m not going back into it now but everything was just getting too much for me and I suddenly thought I can’t do this, I need to just stop! And I did, I even stopped quitting and sewing generally for a while. 
Why am I back now? That’s a hard one to answer. I officially retired just weeks before Covid hit, my life like most peoples was turned upside down. We had three parents to protect, and we did, they all survived. Then last year my Dad got a diagnosis, then my Mam got a similar one, they both needed 24 hour care which my three siblings had I provided. Mam died ten weeks later in September, Dad lasted until just into February.  Three weeks before Dad died my lovely father in law Jack died, we lost all three in just over four months. It’s been hard, devastating, I admit it, but in a letter to us Mam said she wanted us to enjoy our lives for all time, so this is me saying it’s been awful, one of the hardest times in my life, but it’s time I started living life for me, in the present, there’s no point dredging up the past. And putting it another way, I’m going to fulfill my parents last wishes.

Now that that’s over let’s get on to sewing. I say sewing because I’ve branched out a bit, but here’s a pic of the last quilt I was working on.

Chris and Sarah’s wedding quilt. On the back is a different design with all their autograph blocks, but I don’t have a pic I can show you of that. Anyway, they love it. I had to extend it a little from the original which took ages and it’s not as good I don’t think, but it’s done and as they say ‘finished is better than perfect’. I didn’t do the quilting, I had it longarm quilted locally, it’s not as I would have preferred but the autographs on the back are still visible which is important. The original design was from Nydia, she has a website and is on Instagram but I can’t remember how to add links, sorry. I did email her before I started making it though and she kindly gave me permission to copy her quilt.

I just finished another quilt for my sister’s latest grandson.

Yes it’s just a panel with a simple border of squares, but it’s perfect for a little boy, who doesn’t like Thomas the Tank Engine? I put a Thomas board book in with it and the parents loved it.

The last thing I will show you is my new sewing.

What do you think of Isabella, my first doll. She’s made from the Jan Horrox book and I just used fabrics I had in my stash. She’s a flat face doll, I’m delighted with how her face turned out, faces are hard, and I’m certainly not the best at drawing, but the instructions are excellent. 

Well, that’s all for now, maybe next time I will show you my latest quilt I’m making, it’s driving me nuts just now, I think I’m taking out every other seam, I put the pieces in the wrong way, honestly, I don’t believe the number of mistakes I’m making.

I’m not promising to be back in the next few days, but I will be back,
Until then with smiles from 
Kate x

Friday 8 May 2020

Creating a Quilted Legacy Day Three

My cup is overflowing with all the wonderful posts and comments I have read, I feel we have done Paula proud. So many quilts have been made which will benefit those in need as a result of this tribute to Paula, she would have been chuffed to little mint balls.

Today I would like to show you a child size quilt I made for the Linus Project, it is 39 inches square which fits in with the child size guidelines of 36 - 42 inches square, or 36 x 42 inches.

Before I show you can I just remind you to read down to the end of the post where you will find the list of all the quilters who are taking part over three days. You will also find the list of prizes which will be drawn after the close on Friday May 15th. Remember, the more comments you leave on all the participating blogs over the three days, the more chances you will have of winning a prize. As it doesn't close until the 15th you will have time to go back if you missed any. The quilters have all made a special effort to participate and it's nice to get some feedback.

NOTE! I also have an announcement which you will find near the end too.

So, back to my quilt. When I was rooting around for fabric for the teenage quilt I featured on day one, I came across a children's charm pack. I remember buying it at a small quilt show in Harrogate in the north of England and it was at a time when there wasn't a lot of pre cuts about, and certainly not for children. When I got home however I discovered the shop had made it up themselves and it was so disappointing. I ended up binning some of the fabrics which were dull and dowdy and certainly not children's fabrics. There were some nice ones, but they were relegated to a box.

Anyway, I got them out, counted them, and had an idea. If I cut some squares to match in I would have enough to make a children's quilt using a pattern I had never made before, so here is my finished quilt......

A split nine patch. The fabrics I added were the two purple spots, the blue spot, and the pink floral, which has cute little ladybirds on.

Why haven't I made this pattern up before? It's so quick and easy but looks like I did loads of work, well, it does to me anyway. To be honest I just cut it up on Sunday, yes, five days ago, I have NEVER made a quilt that fast before I tell you. Monday I stitched the nine patch blocks together and cut them into four. Tuesday I rearranged the pieces and stitched them all together again. Wednesday I made the back (hang on and I'll show you it in a minute, I'm in the flow), layered and quilted it. Yesterday, yes, yesterday, I made the binding, machined it on, and hand stitched it on the back. Honestly, it's a good job I'm retired, I would never have managed it if I had to go out to work. Now you know why I am running late with my replies, but I will try and catch up today, promise.

This is the back. I found 80 cm of a Disney print I had bought to make a little changing mat for my grandson (but didn't get around to it). I cut five strips as wide as I could, and left a little extra on the two end ones. I calculated what size the red ones needed to be, and just sewed the strips together. I used more of the red solid for the binding. It's more for a toddler to me, but when he grows if he feels the front is too babyish he can always turn it over and have it as a strip quilt. The front is for a boy or a girl really, but I think the back looks more boyish. I wouldn't mind making this pattern again, I can't believe I have never made it before after quilting for so many years.

Now, for our special announcement.

When I asked Janice to join me in this blog hop we had no idea how much everyone would get on board and enjoy the ethos of quilting for charity in a tribute to Paula. We are overwhelmed with the wonderful positive response, therefore, we have decided to do it all again next year, with the help of our wonderful assistant, Karen of course, who's help and support was invaluable. The hop will be on May 6th Paula's birthday. I'm not sure about the number of days it will run for, it depends on the number of quilters who would like to participate. We will start the planning next January and open our files for participants then. We do hope many of you will participate, and again if you are a non blogger you are very welcome too. You all have a whole year to make a quilt!

Here is the full list of all the quilters, those who are posting today, Friday, and those who have already posted. I have redone my links for the two previous days so they should take you straight to the post, not just the blog.

Wednesday, May 6

Karen @ KaHolly

Kate @ Smiles From Kate

Wendy @ Pieceful Thoughts of my Quilting Life

Bernie @ Needle and Foot
blogs over all three days, the more comments, the more entries. Please leave your comments by
Friday 15th May to be eligible for the prize draw. Those winners who live outside the US will be eligible for gift certificate and pattern prizes only, due to international postage charges, sorry. Winners to be announced one week after closing.

All these wonderful ladies have donated prizes for this charity blog hop for which I thank them so much, especially at this most difficult time in history. They are listed in the order they arrived.

Lorna, Sew Fresh Quilts, $50 gift certificate for her pattern shop.

Yvonne Quilting Jetgirl, 2 PDF patterns of choice.

Bernie Needle and Foot, $25 certificate for her shop.

A fat quarter bundle from Figo Fabrics

A set of quilty gift cards from Initial Thought by DMF Note cards set 1

A pattern of choice from Karen, Sugar Free Quilts

A $30 gift certificate for Doris, Cactus Queen Quilt Co

A PDF pattern of choice from Joanne,

$25 gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop
(donated by Janice Holton)

The Enlightened Spaniel books 1 and 2 by Gary Heads, to acknowledge Paula's love of reading. This prize will be shipped internationally and is included in the draw for all three days.

So, in the words of Bugs Bunny,

'That's all Folks'

With smiles from,
Kate x

Thursday 7 May 2020

Creating a Quilted Legacy Day Two

This is day two of the hop to pay tribute to PaulaB, she would have been thrilled by the great response, and all the wonderful quilts which will be donated in her honour.

I hope you have been enjoying it. I loved all the visiting yesterday  and seeing the quilts everyone has been making for various charities. I realise they won't be delivered just yet, at least we can't in the UK, but as soon as the restrictions are lifted there will be a plethora of quilts ready to be delivered. I have a feeling that they will be needed more than ever, sadly.

There are many, many quilters like Paula, who make numerous quilts for charity. Some are taking part in this hop, but some don't blog, so you won't know about most of them. Their contribution is invaluable, and deserves recognition.

Today I am featuring quilts by three quilters who make charity quilts but do not blog. I'm very happy that they wanted to join in anyway, which is wonderful.

Remember to read right to the end of the post to discover who else is participating today, and find out all about the prizes on offer and how to enter.

I will feature the quilters and their quilts in the order they were received, and first up is Marianne from Lakewood Ranch, Florida.

Marianne has used a multitude of scraps for this colourful quilt, there are some lovely fabrics there, I especially like the fussy cut kitty.  It is quilted either side of the seam lines in both directions which works great with the design. A lovely dark fabric with splashes of colour like confetti  is used for the binding, which frames it beautifully. Mariannes quilt will be donated to Jack's Basket.

The second quilter featured is Rebecca from La Crosse, WI. Rebecca just loves making quilts for those in need, and plans to make more this year.  Rebecca makes quilts for Project Linus, Quilts of Valour, Covered in Love, and 4Patches4Hope as well as others.

This was made for Mercyful Quilts in CA as part of the Hands2Help Project. It's a large lap size (almost a twin) 'Single Slice' quilt made from a collection from Bluprint for the hospice program, I must say I do like the quilting. Rebecca hopes it brings comfort to someone who needs it, to let them know there are people who care. Isn't that a lovely sentiment?

Rebecca also made this lovely bright quilt for a local charity auction which she participates in every year.

The third participating quilter is Margaret who used to blog as Maggie Stitcher and lives in the UK.  Margaret is another quilter who spends most of her time stitching for various charities. I 'met' Margaret through Paula, who had a good friendship with Margaret and often spoke fondly of her.

This is a small 36 inch quilt made from a Moda charm pack, which Margaret made for a local charity fundraiser. The border sets it off beautifully, and the salmon pink first border fabric is used for the binding. Nice quilting Margaret, I think I could manage that design, think being the operative word!  Margaret also makes quilts for care leavers and several other charities, and has recently been making scrub bags for the local hospital.  Margaret doesn't stop there, she also makes cat mats.

These have been made for the local cat rescue centre. Margaret tells me she has quite a few more made up, but she has run out of wadding, so they won't be finished until after lockdown.

Thank you so much for participating Marianne, Rebecca, and Margaret, and do pop back, I'm sure there will be lots of very complimentary comments on your wonderful quilts.

Here is the list of the lovely quilters participating over the three days of the hop.


This is the full list of prizes, entries are obtained by leaving a comment on any of the participating
blogs over all three days, the more comments, the more entries. Please leave your comments by
Friday 15th May to be eligible for the prize draw. Those winners who live outside the US will be eligible for gift certificate and pattern prizes only due to international postage charges, sorry. Winners to be announced one week after closing.

All these wonderful ladies have donated prizes for this charity blog hop for which I thank them so much, especially at this most difficult time in history. They are listed in the order they arrived.

Lorna, Sew Fresh Quilts, $50 gift certificate for her pattern shop.
Yvonne Quilting Jetgirl, 2 PDF patterns of choice.

Bernie Needle and Foot, $25 certificate for her shop.

A fat quarter bundle from Figo Fabrics
A set of quilty gift cards from Initial Thought by DMF  Note cards set 1
A pattern of choice from Karen, Sugar Free Quilts
A $30 gift certificate for Doris, Cactus Queen Quilt Co
A PDF pattern of choice from Joanne,
$25 gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop
(donated by Janice Holton)

Enjoy the hop everyone, and remember, every comment on every blog gives you another chance to win a prize, and it's nice to acknowledge the work and generosity of the ladies who do so much for others out of the kindness of their hearts, like Paula did.

Join me again tomorrow, the final day, when I will have something else to show you

Until then,
with smiles from
Kate x

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Creating a Quilted Legacy Blog Hop, Following in Paula's Footsteps, Day One

Hello, and welcome, today we are celebrating the life of Paula Budinger, a wonderful quilter, blogger, and friend, who sadly died earlier this year.  The hop is taking place over three days beginning today, which would have been Paula's 79th birthday.

Paula of PaulaB Quilts, began quilting in 1980, she was a consistent supporter of multiple quilt charities such as Project LinusJack's Basket, and Covered in Love.  What better way to honour Paula than a blog hop where all the quilts showcased are destined for charity. If you would like to read more about Paula you might like to read my earlier post or read Paula's blog.

You will find the list of all the wonderful bloggers participating at the end of this post, along with a full list of sponsors, prizes, and eligibility.

I decided to make my quilt for Project Linus. I checked their website for size guidelines and chose to make a teenage quilt, which is 42 inches square, or up to 42 x 48 inches.

I found it so difficult choosing the fabrics, especially as we are in lockdown. I just didn't have what I wanted, or not enough. Then I came across a black and white jelly roll, or part of one anyway. I had just enough to make a quilt 42 x 46 inches, although I suspect it's actually an inch or so wider. Of course my husband was holding it the wrong way when I took this snap, the strips are horizontal rather than vertical, but no matter. All in all it looks crisp and modern for a teenager.  I used a bright red binding to compliment the black and white, and

quilted it using a variegated king Tut thread in red, green, and yellow, using organic wavy lines.  After all, it's meant to be cuddly. 

Luckily I had a length of a lovely blue/green solid for the back, it was a better choice than the florals and stuff hanging around in my cupboard believe me!

Here is the full list of all the other bloggers participating, please call in and check them out.


Here is the full list of prizes, entries are obtained by leaving a comment on any of the participating

blogs over all three days, the more comments, the more entries. Please leave your comments by

Friday 15th May to be eligible for the prize draw. Those winners who live outside the US will be eligible

for gift certificate and pattern prizes only, due to international postage charges, sorry. Winners to be announced

one week after closing.

All these wonderful ladies have donated prizes for this charity blog hop for which I thank them so

much, especially at this most difficult time in history. They are listed in the order they arrived, I have

my eye on a couple but unfortunately I ruled myself as ineligible, sad..........

Lorna, Sew Fresh Quilts, $50 gift certificate for her pattern shop.
Yvonne Quilting Jetgirl, 2 PDF patterns of choice.
Bernie Needle and Foot, $25 certificate for her shop.
A fat quarter bundle from Figo Fabrics
A set of quilty gift cards from Initial Thought by DMF  Note cards set 1
A pattern of choice from Karen, Sugar Free Quilts
A $30 gift certificate for Doris, Cactus Queen Quilt Co
A PDF pattern of choice from Joanne,
$25 gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop
(donated by Janice Holton)

Enjoy the hop everyone, and good luck in the prize draw.

With smiles from
Kate x