
Wednesday 29 June 2016

Another one finished

Yes, the little Linus quilt is done.  After much deliberation I went off to the local quilt shop where I go for my monthly group to find.....................  I couldn't get any of the fabrics in my head.  Hmmmmmm, so I went on a mission to find the right fabric that would compliment the quilt, and after auditioning what seemed like half the shop, well, about 20 anyways, the unanimous decision was......

this.   Like it?   Thank you everyone for your suggestions, isn't it ironic when you agonise over something then have to take the best available.  Actually I really like it, it tones well and contrasts nicely with the plainness of the majority of the fabrics.

Here is the full view.  The pale fabric looks better in these outside pics than last week.

These are the two leftover blocks to which I managed to add  another couple of small blocks and more of the pink patterned fabric  from the scraps.  You have a good view of the quilting in this shot, yes it's still my favourite just now.

Here is the full view.  I had a big piece of fabric left over from a quilt back, I love how the scraps liven up a boring background, especially as it is a child's quilt.

And of course, the obligatory posh pic!

I had a lovely time at my group on Saturday, there were only four of us, as one of our number was travelling home from France and another other two had other stuff going on preventing them from coming, but we had a very quilty giggle and they saw Bluebell in the flesh.  As did a couple of ladies who on holiday who happened to call in.   I had to give them the full history of course, and  I'm still not sure that the look on their faces meant the were mesmerised, or they were thinking 'is this person for real?'.

Apart from finishing my little Linus Quilt which will be returned in a few days, I have made 'some' progress on my circles quilt.  Must find a name for it but it's still evolving so I'm going to wait a bit.

I now have 16 blocks sort of finished, two more and I'm halfway through.  I say sort of, before joining them, which obviously I won't until they are all done, I will trim the background underneath the appliqué to reduce the bulk.  I do have another change in mind but as they come together I'm not sure and may leave it as is.  By the way do you like the new floor?  What you can see of it anyway, you wouldn't guess it's not wood would you?  It's called Moduleo. or something like that, I can't remember the spelling.  It's textured like wood too.

So that has been  my week, quite boring really, except, I did a Global Block Swap  which finished at the beginning of this year and one of the girls from Australia, Irene, is in the UK just now.   AND she drove halfway up the country and had an overnight stay, just to come and meet me for a few hours.  THEN, she drove all the way down south again, wasn't that lovely of her?  I am so flattered she would do all that just to meet me.  Irene is on her own in the UK too, although she is staying with relatives part of the time.  I would show you a pic of us together but I forgot to ask her if it is ok and don't like adding pics without checking first.

So, you almost saw me with my newly gown, well, half grown, hair.

Until next time
With smiles from

Linking up with

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Linus Quilt

Hello, it seems so long since I was here, although in reality it is only five days.  I think it is because of my blogging extravaganza last week when I did five posts in a row for the New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop, which, I may add is still continuing.  This is Week 2 so if you haven't checked out this weeks lovely quilters please give them the wonderful support you gave me last week. These are the lovely ladies from my hive.

Jennifer @ Inquiring Quilter

Abigail @ Cut & Alter

Irene @ Patchwork and Pastry

EDIT Jennifer has a new block available free for one week.  Check it out here.

I did promise to announce the winner of my giveaway this week, but first I thought I would tell you what I've been up to in the last five days.

To tell the truth I was pretty tired after last week, and until yesterday I hadn't done any sewing.  I had spent much time answering all the wonderful comments I received though, except for the no reply ones.  I must thank you all, I love getting your comments, it gives me such a thrill that you would take the time to read my blog and say such lovely things too.  Thank you all so much.  I don't think I missed anyone but if you did comment, are not 'no reply' and I didn't answer you, my sincere apologies.  The thing I am behind with is my visiting, but I hope to rectify that over the next few days or so.

On Saturday there was a  quilt exhibition in a neighbouring village.  I love local shows, real quilts by real quilters like you and me, when I think 'I could make that'.  You know what I mean?  There were some lovely quilts but it was far too busy to take pics, sorry.  There was a Gypsy Wife quilt though, stunning, did I tell you I have the pattern?  Haven't started it yet.  

They were giving away fabric packs for quilters to make Linus quilts, so of course I had to take one.  This is what I got.

Yes I know, I should have taken the pic before I cut it up.  It is five fat quarters, also included was a piece of wadding, about 45 inches square.  So, I added another two fat quarters to tone in.

I decided pink and purple, the colours in the pack are girly and pink and purple are popular girly colours and it's what I had.  I decided to make the Sticks and Stones pattern, these are the blocks I made.

This is block 1

 Block 2  and block 4 which make up a 10 inch finished block.  The fabric which looks grey is actually very pale blue with tiny pale turquoise spots, not what I would have chosen but as these are all donated fabrics who am I to complain?

Block 3 and a repeat stick.   

So this is where I am up to now.  I think it makes a nice bright and colourful girls quilt. and will end up 40 inches square.   I have rotated one block, bottom left, as the idea is not to put the same colours together.  It's quite difficult really, I also try so there are no seams together too.  I have two extra blocks which helps.  I have spotted one in the second row up which may need turning now, and so it starts again.

I'll let you know my progress.  I will try to incorporate the two extra blocks into the backing I think, and a plain binding in needed, but I'm not sure of the colour yet, any suggestions?

When I checked for the giveaway I noticed a few of you who were eligible for two entries had only commented once, so I added another 6 so it would be fair bringing the number to 60.  I downloaded a Random Number Generator onto my phone, just a free one, this is the result.

The winner is Janice Holton

Congratulations to Janice.  I already emailed her for her address and her prize is already winging it's way over the pond.  Janice, from Color, Creating and Quilting, tells me she has never won a giveaway before so thats nice.   It would be lovely if you had time to pop over and say congrats.

So that has been my week, apart from I am having new flooring laid in the lounge as my carpet has gone into two holes and is rather old.  So I am camped out upstairs with one dog hiding under my bed, and the other running around like a loony with a ball in her mouth, desperate to be outside and chasing. She keeps coming up to me and throwing it at me barking her displeasure.

So now I'm off to sew the blocks together and then sort out some backing.  I'll show you more next time when I hop I will have made some progress on my Circles Quilt.

Speak soon
With smiles from

Linking up with 

Friday 17 June 2016

Bluebell Woods - The Final Chapter

I am almost sad to write this post, for it signals the end of the saga, but as we all know, all good things must come to an end, and so today I am ready to tell you The Secret, of Bluebell Woods.

A promise I made you, so tell you I must, but first you must promise, never to reveal it to another living soul.  For you see it was purely by chance it happened, and it should never have been revealed.

There was something in the air you see, and she was so enjoying the day, the sun was shining and the bluebells were out.  She loves bluebells so, they are her most favourite flower in the world, even if they are not the colour of her dress.  Her dress is not red, and not orange, but a mix of the two.  If you imagine the most beautiful sunset of all, rich and magnificent, that is the colour of her dress.  There are no two dresses the same colour, there are reds, blues yellows, greens, every colour imaginable and in every shade, and many more colours you have never seen, and could never imagine.  But hers is the most beautiful of all.

She was in amongst the trees, examining a  magical creature never seen by humans, and it started to rain, twas the rain that caught her out.  Have you ever wondered why you never see fairies?  It is because they can change.  Not like a chameleon, so they just blend in with the background, they become translucent too, and you only see them, if they let you. 

It happens in the blink of an eye, in fact much faster than that, but today she was so happy, and the sun was shining, then the rain started to fall like diamonds from the sky, and she was a millionth of a second too late.

Her dress had not quite faded, and she was not quite translucent and her image was captured forever, in Bluebell Woods.

It is usually only small children who see fairies, they start to leave them when the are five, so by the time they are seven, they think it only a story from a book.   But some children never forget, that is why seven is a magical number.   And that Dear Friends is the real reason I can never part with the quilt, I must forever guard the secret, until there is none left to remember, they saw the fairy, in Bluebell Woods.

Do you remember seeing fairies?

I did think someone would have guessed the secret, for the clue was in Mondays introduction post.  My grateful thanks to Karen, from kaHolly, for it was she who commented and stimulated my long forgotten childhood memory, of when I could see fairies.

But I can't do a post without showing you something new, especially this week.  But I haven't done any sewing for two days now, so, I delved into a UFO box, and see what I found.

Unfinished Christmas coasters!!!  Yes I know it is only June and I haven't had my summer holiday yet either, but I had to show you something.  What else?

More coasters.  Russian dolls, I just reduced the pattern.

Momma Russian dolls, some I have even started binding.

Oh yes,  elephants so cute.  How can anyone have so many unfinished mug rugs and coasters I hear you say.

Ok, this is the last, the black and white mug rugs need some appliqué added but I hadn't decided what.  Maybe I should leave the box out, that one even has the binding clips attached, it just needs hand sewing.  Yes, I always hand sew, I can honestly say I have never machined my binding.  Partly of course because I can't sew straight, but that's beside the point.

Remember, next week is the second week on the New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop, so I hope you will support them as you have supported me.  These are the lovely new bloggers from my hive, Miss Bee Hivin'.
Jennifer @ Inquiring Quilter
Abigail @ Cut & Alter

I hope you have all enjoyed this week as much as I have, but next week I will be back to posting once and sometimes twice a week, before you get totally bored of me.  So what will I do?   Catch up with my email replies for starters, and go visiting, and catch up with all my blogging stuff I haven't had time to do this week. Clean my house, iron the clothes, and clear the lounge ready for the new floor being laid on Tuesday.  I might even tidy and clean my sewing room, no, it's not a studio, you have to be a designer to have one of those, and I'm just Kate, a girl (and I use the term very loosely) who quilts.

With smiles

Thursday 16 June 2016

Playing with my scraps update

Welcome to Day 4 of  New Quilt Bloggers Special Posts

Today I thought it would be fun to go back to a post I did in April, I've been playing with my scraps.  You may not have seen that one, I did it as an extra post after a fun filled Saturday afternoon.  I didn't share it at all, it was just there, so if you were not a follower then chances are you will have missed it.

These are the scraps in question.  All I had left from the Oakshott City Lights Lipari fabric.  They were so beautiful I didn't want to waste them, so I just had a play.  They were from fat eighths, selvage scraps which varied in width from less than an inch to about an inch and a half so not much to play with.  

Now I hadn't done any improv at that time although I was drawn to improv quilts but I hadn't anything to loose and thought, how hard can it be?  So I had a go.  Oh how naive, I didn't have a clue what I was doing.  

I just started machining random strips together first, then started cutting them up.

This is what I eventually ended up with, not very inspiring is it?

Ok, so time to see if I could do anything with it.

I decided to make the most of it I would turn it into a cushion (pillow).  First of all I added a black narrow border to finish about about three quarters of an inch.  That's when I had my brainwave, now don't laugh, I decided to paper piece it.  When you have picked yourself up off the floor and dried your eyes I will continue.  Thank you!  I got out my roll of golden threads paper and drew an 18 inch square with seam allowance, I allow extra for a cushion.

I chose the angle I wanted to place it, and used a dab of fabric glue to secure it so it wouldn't move around when I was working.  I would usually use a pin but it was a little large, well ok then, a lot large.

I estimated how much I would need, creased it, and cut.

Then I checked the cut was right before I machined it in place.

Then I repeated for the second side.

It was adding the third side things started to go wrong a bit.  The fabric kept slipping with the slippery paper, so I ended up taking it off and pinning the fabrics together.  That is why the black edging is a little, yes, I did say a little, uneven.  I can't show you a pic of the three sides because I forgot to take one.

I then went on to do the quilting, finishing it with a simple envelope back, because as we all know, I don't do zips, at present that is.

This was the result.  Like my buttercups?  Why have a boring green lawn when you can have a bright and cheerful one.

Have another look, isn't it beautiful?  All of those selvedge ends that could have gone to waste, would you have kept them?  Yes it's a bit wonky, and it's not proper improv, but would you notice that unless you examined it closely?  Well, yes, probably, but not if you just glanced at it across the room you wouldn't.  

I just did straight lines with the walking foot using the edge as a guide, so about half an inch width.  I had been thinking about spiral triangles but there was no point because there isn't enough negative space around the triangle.  If you look closely at the bottom you can see I did a diamond shape grid at the points, a nice little feature which saved me from burying threads (believe that you'll believe anything :-))

So this is all I now have left which includes the binding scraps, shame to waste it............

I hope you are all suitably excited about The Secret of Bluebell Woods post tomorrow.  Have you guessed yet?

Remember you have until midnight on Saturday to enter the giveaway, just leave a post about Bluebell, or the New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop on Bluebell Woods Revealed to enter, and for a second entry let me know how you follow me.

I am so excited to be revealing the secret, I would be even more excited if I had written the post!

See you tomorrow
With smiles from

Linking up with

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Circle Quilt Update

Day 3 of the New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop

It's been a while since I told you of my circle quilt plans, but as you know Bluebell Woods took over. Now she is finished, apart from The Final Chapter, Secrets Revealed on Friday, I can concentrate on the circles quilt, which hasn't got a proper name yet.

So, a reminder, this was my first fabric pull

Not fine tuned yet.  And this is where I was up to

Now, how about showing you what I did first.

The first thing I did was to decide about the quilt style and size.  I had look at a number of circle quilts, but the circles were mostly too big or too small, so I drew it out.  When I was sort of happy with it I counted the blocks so I could determine the size.  My layout of the blocks I decided to be 6 x 6, a nice square and I decided on an 8 inch block.   That gives me  a size of 48 inches square before borders.   Fine, I can get 5 blocks out of an 8.5 inch strip, so I need 7 x 8.5 inches for my background, 59.5 inches plus a little wiggle room to allow for straightening and such.  I decided on 2 meters, then I would have a little left over for scrappy backgrounds, but 2 yards works too.  I can only buy in meters and centimetres in the UK.

Now the circles.  I knew I wanted quarter circles in two corners of the squares, so it wasn't too busy.  I drew part of the square to make my template and marked 4.5 inches to allow for the seam allowance. Actually I didn't have my thinking head on as it should have been 4.25 inches, but it makes little difference.  I got out my compasses which I bought when I started quilting and had never used in 10 years, REALLY, and I kept them all this time.  So, I drew my quarter circle for the template.  I could have just drawn around a dish of the approximate size either, the halved and quartered it, but my brain doesn't always think in the logical way, until I have finished the hard way that is.  Next I glued the paper to the back of a cereal box and cut it out.  If it was something I would use in the future I would have used a plastic template sheet but it's likely to be a one off.

Then it was just a matter of drawing around the template on freezer paper, and cutting them out.  I ironed the papers on to the back of the fabric. and left a quarter inch on the curve so I could turn it under and tack in place followed by a zap with the iron for a nice sharp edge.  The seam allowance is already included on the straight sides.

Then it was just a matter appliqueing the circles to the background.  I like to use silk thread, I have a collection I have built up over the years and some colours are very versatile, but any thread does, thinner thread is better than a thicker one though.  Yes, I could have made them using a drunkards path method, but I like the look of an appliqued circle.  I didn't want to do bonded applique because I intend to trim the background just before stitching the blocks together to reduce bulk.  I could of course have removed the paper leaving the edge turned under, and tacked the fabric to the background before stitching it with a buttonhole stitch.  

So this is where I'm up to.  12 of the blocks are ready for the next stage, 12 quarter circles ready to be appliqued.  When that is done I will be halfway through that bit. 

This will give you an idea of where I'm going.   Although I have used several different fabrics at this stage I obviously need more.  I ended up purchasing a pack of 20 10 inch squares of Amish Jewels to give me more variety without spending a lot more money.  Maybe I should have done that in the first place but I really like the textured read as solids.   I have a thought about shaking it up a bit to give it a bit of oomph.  I'll wait until all the blocks are finished first, but before I stitch them together.

So, what do you think so far?  Is it what you expected?  If you like the look of it but it's the wrong size for you there are two options.  Either increase or reduce the size of the blocks and circles, say use 10 inch blocks and make 5.5 inch circles, or 6 inch blocks and 3.25 circles.  Or, make more blocks until it is the right size for you.  I'm thinking about a 1 inch dark grey border and a four inch border with blocks of the inner colour, maybe.  Ha anyone got any ideas? I'm open to suggestions.

My giveaway is open until Saturday night, that would give you 18 x 10 inch squares towards the fabric if you wanted to make a circles quilt,  There again you may have something totally wonderful you would rather make instead.  Just leave a comment on Bluebells post and for a second entry let me know how you follow me.  Winner to be announces next Wednesday.

I'm revisiting an old post to complete another project tomorrow, and I am so pleased with it.  No I won't tell you, it's a surprise.

I am so enjoying my week on the New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop.  If you missed my introduction post it is here.  The other quilters in my group are;

Miranda @ I Have Purple Hair

I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow

Linking up with 

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Bluebell Woods Revealed

Welcome to Day 2 of the New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop.
Oh Yes!!!  Today is the day, the first view of Bluebell Woods, in all her glory.

Bluebell was made from Sherri Lynn Wood's book The Improv Handbook for Modern Quilters using Score 1, Floating Squares.  She is 50.1/2 by 43.1/2inches, and quilted using the serpentine stitch, Bernina stitch 4 set to length 2, width 2.5.

Can you see the bluebells, in three different shades, for as you know bluebells come in many different colours.   The trees are arching over on the right, and the blue sky is overhead, peeping through at the top left corner.  The gentle rain is falling softly on Bluebell Woods, feeding and nurturing the rich soil.   Although I had originally intended to bind the quilt in green with a scattering of bluebells I didn't have enough left, therefor I extended the sky and the trees into the border and added only random bluebells on three sides.  However I am pleased with the effect this gives.

I didn't plan the size, I just made the blocks and Bluebell just seemed to take on a life of her own.  When it came to putting her together there was very little adjustment to be made.  One block was too small by 3 1/2 inches, so I fudged a bit extra which blended in quite well, in fact although I know which block I have trouble seeing the adjustment.  On another I added a small strip of background at the side.  I did use the rotary cutter on the edges for a very light trim where they were very wavy, and one block was slightly too tall and had just over an inch trimmed off the top.   Let's take a closer look.

Can you see the rain now?  If we turn her over.......

You can see underneath the surface, the rich dark soil which feeds the woods, and look, there are lots of seeds scattered, ready for the summer flowers, (but there again it could be because I bought the fabric on sale :)

At this point I am supposed to evaluate my experience and results.
If I was to make this score again I would take more care in cutting the pieces, I was supposed to cut the squares in a size range, say 3 to 5 inches for one and 4 to 6 inches for another, in my enthusiasm to get on with it I forgot all about that and just cut whatever, as a result some of the squares were the same size so I didn't add as much background fabric between the squares as I would have.  This has resulted in somewhat less of a 'floating' of the squares I think.

Apparently I wasn't supposed to trim the blocks, only odd bits which stuck out and just follow the natural shape of the fabric edges, and I should have added background filler to even up all the blocks instead of trimming the top of one.  Well........ that wouldn't have worked with my wavy edges I think, and what's done is done in the trimming, but all in all I'm happy with my decisions to join the blocks as I did.  There is a discrepancy on the size, it is slightly longer on one side than the other, and wider at the bottom than the top, but that's ok too.

Did I enjoy the experience?  Too right, I loved making it, and I am looking forward to the next score. In fact I wasn't going to keep Bluebell, I was thinking about who I would give her to, but now, I have enjoyed her so much no way can I part with her, so she is mine forever.

But look again, for Bluebell Woods holds a secret known only to a few, do you know what it is?

On Friday The Final Chapter, The Secret of Bluebell Woods will be revealed.

But first, I have news of a giveaway.

As I said yesterday I have no sponsors or affiliates so my giveaway is at my own expense, so, as postage is expensive, and to make it world wide, I am giving away from my own stash.  18, 10inch squares  cut from my solids collection, and including 7 textured read as solids.  It's 18 because that is how many I have big enough to cut a 10 inch square.   Most of these are included in my circles quilt, in fact if you wanted to make it there is enough fabric for all the circles in the quilt, although there wouldn't be enough for the borders.

So, to enter my giveaway, just leave a comment about Bluebell Woods, or the 2016 New Bloggers Blog Hop.  For a second entry, leave a comment saying how you follow me.  The giveaway will remain open until midnight on Saturday.  I will announce the winner next Wednesday.  If you are a no reply blogger remember to check back to see if you have won, then email me your address.  You can find my email address on my About Me page.  I will hold your prize for one week, then re draw if I have not heard from you.
This givaway is now closed.  Thank you for participating.

Tomorrow I am so excited to be giving you news of my circles quilt, so please come back then.

Remember to visit the other new bloggers on the blog hop.  In Mis Bee Hivin' they are:

Kate @ Smiles From Kate  (me)

I am so looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow,
With smiles from

Monday 13 June 2016

2016 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop

Hello, and welcome  to Week 1 of the 2016 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop.  Hosted by Cheryl at Meadowmist Designs,  Yvonne at Quilting Jetgirl,  and Stephanie at Late Night Quilter.

I'm Kate and I'm in Miss-Bee Hivin' with Cheryl.

In a nutshell I'm married, and live in the northeast of England.  My husband and I have four children between us all grown and flown, and four grandchildren.   Nowadays we share our home and our lives with two working type English Springer Spaniels, Ella and Indi, who have been known to make a guest appearance, well, once anyways.  I work part time for my husband supporting him in running our business teaching mindfulness courses in healthcare and corporate settings.   There is a pic of me just to the right in the sidebar, the one where I'm hiding behind my sunglasses, being the shy retiring type.  There is another one on the 'About Me' page without the sunglasses but that's the one that keeps the kids off the fire.   Now, that's the boring stuff over.

I've been quilting for over ten years, I'm not saying I'm an expert, or even that I'm in anyway good at it, but after 10 years I still enjoy it.  It's my main hobby I would say, although I do a little embroidery and I love reading too.   I go to a (very) small quilt group every four weeks,  and an embroidery weekend twice a year.  As far as ambitions go I'm very boring, all I want to do is progress in my quilting, try new things, and enjoy it.  That's me, if I make a quilt or something anyone likes I'm happy to share it, but I'm no designer, and I have no affiliations or sponsors either, (hehe, as if).

I started blogging in January this year, I just felt I was missing out, then I found out I was.  The online quilting community is wonderful, I have met some lovely quilters who are so friendly and kind, always having time to help, or explain things.  I should have done this years ago.

When I meet a new quilter, I like to know where they are coming from, so for that reason I thought I'd share a couple of my older quilts, and two I have made recently.

This is my first quilt I ever made, a handmade sampler and you know what? I still love it, I think it's the colours.  They just said choose some fabrics on light medium and dark tones, so I did.  But everyone else had blues and creams, or reds and white, that sort of thing.  So mine ended up a bit different.

Because I enjoyed the appliqué on the sampler I jumped in for a monthly class, a Baltimore.  As you can see I veered away from the traditional and went for blues and purples.  It's stuffed in a cupboard now, I think it took me so long I went off it.

For the benefit of those who have been here before no, I still haven't quilted this one and yes, I'm still procrastinating about the quilting because we all know I'm rubbish at free motion stuff and no I still haven't started practicing regularly yet.  But, I do want it finished for Christmas so watch this space, but not in the immediate future :).

This was actually a group quilt, but as it was my idea and I made two of the blocks, put it all together, spiral quilted it and did the binding I claimed it as a finish.  This is more the kind of stuff I enjoy now.

Last one, promise, yes I know it's three but I didn't think you'd be counting.   I blogged about this only recently, I love simple designs which shows off beautiful fabrics.  In this case City Lights was made with Oakshott Lipari fabric with colourshott centres.

I was going to show my most beautiful Bluebell Woods today, an improv quilt made with score 1 (Floating Squares), of Sherri Lynn Wood's book The Improv Book for Modern Quilters, however, after all the hype about this quilt and all the comments I have received it did seem sacrilege to add it to the end of a post, so I will be revealing Bluebell Woods tomorrow.  If you haven't been here before you may want to read the earlier posts, the inspiration, how I made the blocks, the next steps, and the apology, to get the full effect.  Of course you may just want to skip all of it and come back tomorrow for a giveaway.  I'm saying no more, ask me no questions I'll tell you no lies.

It's been suggested I give a blogging tip at this point, well, I already have a page of blogging tutorials, if you are new don't get excited, it's just about the stuff I had problems with when I started. What I will say is, if you don't blog, and you are the chatty, sharing sort, think about it, because I have had the most fun since I started.

Now for the quilting tip.  One thing I wish I had known about when I started was to use a Kwik Klip for basting a quilt if you use safety pins.  It cut my basting time in half and no sore fingers.   If you are right handed hold the  safety pin in your right and the Kwik Klip in your left to close the pin.  If you google it there are videos on YouTube and they are available from and Cottonpatch in the UK.

How did I name my blog?  Well, everyone seems to have lovely quilting type and imaginative names and I went through a lot, Oakfield Designs?  No, I'm not a designer.   Kathleen's Quilting and Embroidery?  No, don't like the sound of that.  The problem is I have no imagination, so I became Smiles From Kate.  Why?  Because that is how I sign my emails (but I pinched it from a friend 'cos I already said I have no imagination).

Trivia for those who have been here before, things you didn't know about me.

1  Favourite book, has to be the Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon, are you watching it on TV?  If you are not you should be.   Jamie Frazer?  Be still my beating heart........

2  Favourite holiday destination, I love Italy, the Italian Lakes, Sorrento, Venice, get my drift?

3  Favourite food, vegetable lasagne, it has to be vegetable because I don't eat meat.

4 Random fact,  when I was a child, about five, I could see fairies and talk with them.  Now I just see them after two glasses of red wine.

Thank you so much for visiting me on the Blog Hop, there are lots of other lovely quilters who would love you to visit.  Here are the others in my swarm this week:

Remember to come back tomorrow when I reveal Bluebell Woods, in all her glory, and give you all the details for my giveaway.

Until then,
With smiles from

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